Orchestra 4.1.0 - Release description - Orchestra-4.1.0-UserGuide.pdf Orchestra BPEL engine user guide which provides an good overview about Orchestra v4. In this user guide main features of Orchestra v4 are explained including the new archietcture based on the Process Virtual Machine technology and how to install it and run Orchestra in your favorite production environment. - OrchestraConsole-4.1.0-UserGuide.pdf Orchestra console user Guide. Describes how to install and use the Ochestra console. - orchestra-api-4.1.0-javadoc.zip Orchestra BPEL engine API javadoc for developers - OrchestraDesigner_Preview.mp4 Preview of the future Orchestra Web 2.0 Designer - orchestra.console-4.1.0-full-4.1.0.zip Orchestra full version. Contains the administration console and the engine using Axis as the Web Service framework. - orchestra.console-4.1.0-full-4.1.0.zip Orchestra console. This version of the console can be connected to an existing Orchestra Server. - orchestra-axis-tomcat-4.1.0.tar.gz Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra is integrated with Tomcat and the Axis Web Service framework. - orchestra-axis-felix-4.1.0.tar.gz Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra package as an OSGi bundle and integrated to felix OSGi solution and using Axis as the Web Service framework. - orchestra-cxf-tomcat-4.1.0.tar.gz Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra is integrated with Tomcat and the CXF Web Service framework. - orchestra-cxf-felix-4.1.0.tar.gz Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra package as an OSGi bundle and integrated to felix OSGi solution and using CXF as the Web Service framework. - orchestra-axis-tomcat-4.1.0.zip Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra is integrated with Tomcat and the Axis Web Service framework. - orchestra-axis-felix-4.1.0.zip Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra package as an OSGi bundle and integrated to felix OSGi solution and using Axis as the Web Service framework. - orchestra-cxf-tomcat-4.1.0.zip Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra is integrated with Tomcat and the CXF Web Service framework. - orchestra-cxf-felix-4.1.0.zip Orchestra BPEL engine distribution in tgz format. In this package Orchestra package as an OSGi bundle and integrated to felix OSGi solution and using CXF as the Web Service framework. Enjoy ! The Orchestra team