================================================================================ Enhydra-Oyster Version History ================================================================================ Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.1-7 - The latest release of Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography Extension and Provider implementation: bcprov-jdk14-136.jar is included. - Fixed error in adding of cappabilities properties in process of signing. Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.1-6 - Oyster project is tested under JDK 1.5.x. - The latest release of Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography Extension and Provider implementation: bcprov-jdk14-132.jar is included. - The way of adding cappabilities properties in process of signing is improved. - Throwing and maintaining of exception is simplified. Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.1-5 - Manuals have been written in docbook format, and during build process they will be transformed to pdf and to html format [task: 1889]. - Optional keystore support has been implemented [task: 1890]. - More tests have been added (tests for optional KeyStore support). Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.1-4 - Oyster project is now runnable under JDK 1.4.x. Note that before using Enhydra-Oyster, the original JCE Policy jar files must be swapped with Unlimited Strength Java(TM) Cryptography Extension (JCE) Policy Files, which are supplied in this project release. - The latest release of Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography Extension and Provider implementation: bcprov-jdk14-123.jar is included. - All package names, and jar file names are changed. - The documentation is updated. Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.1-3 - Building of Enhydra-Oyster Project structure is now completely ant based. - Involved newer release of Java Cryptography Extension implementation: jce-jdk13-122.jar. - Constructors in main classes have been changed. Additional argument charset has been added. Also, few new methods are added to main classes (reset, setCharsetEncoding and initMimeMessage). Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.1-2 - Involved newer release of Java Mail implementation (ver 1.3.1) newer release of java Activation (ver 1.0.2) - Fixed problems connected to java.lang.SecurityException which is thrown because class "javax.mail.internet.HeadersUtil" used in smime project is not member of Java Mail implementation. - Involved newer release of Java Cryptography Extension implementation: jce-jdk13-119.jar. Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.1-1 - Optimised and modified three main classes for better efficiency and better exploitation possibilities of the object oriented programming. - Construction of cryptographics objects with external composed MimeMessage object. - Added more setContent() methods to allow ading external text/plain messages in multipart/alternative MimeMultiparts, instead of autogeneration based on given html message. - Added object for sending pure MIME messages (withouth SMIME chryptography posibilities) - Fixed problem with external signing of ASCII files with Unix line break characters. - More test examples. - Involved newer release of Java Cryptography Extension implementation: jce-jdk13-118.jar. Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.0-1 - Fixed problems with previewing of messages with html composed content in Netscape Messenger. - Fixed bugs in test examples. - Improvement in reading Certificate Chain from .pfx and .p12 files with implementation of method getCertificateChain() in PFXUtils class. Enhydra-Oyster ver 2.0-0 - Added possibility of external (explicit) signing of a message. - Enabled composing of HTML coded content of a message. - Enabled composing of HTML messages together with their automatically generated alternative (text plain message) by using multipart/alternative Content-Type form of MIME message. - Added possibilities of adding Content of a message from InputStream as well as from File class object. - Attachments can be added from InputStream or from file system. - The process of creating and sending email message is no longer done with MailcapCommandMap. Instead of that, it is now done with DataSource objects. - Included new tests. - Updated documentation. Enhydra-Oyster ver 1.2-0 - Improvement in error handling. Redesigned SMIMEException class and changed dealing with exceptions. Now, exceptions are thrown away from SMIME project, and left to user to decide how to handle them. - Redesigned some parts in source code. - Updated documentation. - Involved newer release of Java Cryptography Extension implementation: jce-jdk13-114.jar. - Added support for building smime120.jar using Ant. Enhydra-Oyster ver 1.1-0 - Optimised and modified source for better efficiency and better exploitation possibilities of the object oriented programming. - Testing the project is done for certificates with key size 1024 and 2048 bits (RSA algorithm), and for certificates 512 and 1024 bits (DSA algorithm). - Reconstruction of the ways of adding Capabilities Attributes and extension of varieties of Capabilities Attributes to encipher and signing algorithms. - Added support for DSA signed algorithm.