Table of Contents
The minimum recommended system configuration is:
128 MB RAM
200 MHz processor or better
50 MB disk space (see note below)
Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4.x
Note that the disk space specified above reflects the minimum system requirements to install and run the JaWE. A minimum installation consists of:
JRE 1.4.x (approximately 45 MB)
JaWE 2.1-1 (approximately 5 MB)
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- New configuration parameter for validating if variable (DataField or WorkflowProcess's FormalParameter) is not used anywhere in XPDL (nor as actual parameter or inside expression). If it is not used, warning is reported when validating XPDL.
- Icons defined for all entries in menu bar
- Some shortcut/accelerator keys have changed
- Expand all/Collapse all are now context sensitive in relation to selected tree-node
- Top tree elements now have '-' displayed if they contain sub-elements
- Switched to 2.9 version of xerces
- Spanish translation included
- XMLInterface changed - removed method getIdFromFile (it is now a static method of XMLUtil class)
- Code corrections based on FindBugs report
- Fixed: bug with reading of language property files from jar file - if there are spaces in the path where JaWE is installed they were not read
- Fixed: bug in XMLCheckBoxPanel - whenever mouse was over, an apply button was enabled as if something has changed in a panel
- Fixed: bug that was introduced in previous version and appeares when there are external packages defined and Id of the main package is changed
- Fixed: when trying to save read-only document JaWE didn't complain but the changes were not saved to a document
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- when creating new Package, xpdl namespace is added by default
- improved windows setup.exe distribution - user is asked if he wants to add desktop and qucik launch shortcut
- code re-organization
- Fixed: bug in XMLInterfaceForJDK13->getPackageById() method
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- property file location moved from %USER_HOME%/.JaWE to %JaWE_HOME%/conf/xxx.
- simple layout algorithm added to community version
- simple layout made a default one when package is opened
- added workflow_patterns.xpdl file (originally created for shark distribution)
- removed possibility to import participants from LDAP
- included David Delbecq's improved drop-down list (switching from menu-items to search-able list when there are 30 or more items) for inserting participants and selecting activity sets in graph component
- defined keyboard shortcuts for almost all menu items
- waiting time at startup reduced to 10sec
- improved automatic insertion of start/end markers
- code re-organization
- Fixed: rare bug in Graph component when start/end bubbles are the only one placed within FreeTextExpression participant
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- Minor code changes/reorganization.
- improved automatic insertion of start/end markers
- improved property panel for defining workflow relevant data: sub-panel for entering initial value is now bigger
- improved usage of LDAP connection: better support of ActiveDirectory search, added LDAPReferralHandling property, password field hidden
- Fixed: bugs in usage of LDAP connection for inserting participants (user+password authentication didn't work, search scope didn't work)
- Fixed: Graph component's tooltip bug in Zoom In/Out mode.
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- Added language property files for French and German language.
- JaWE doesn't read nor store any special purpose JaWE related extended attributes any more.
- Minor code changes/reorganization.
- Now using Xerces 2.8
- Fixed: problem with overlapping dialogs after loading XPDL file.
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- Added language property file for Serbian language.
- JaWE doesn't read nor store JaWE specific graphical positioning extended attributes any more.
- removed WfXML plug-in component
- Fixed: if there were many participants in XPDL, pop-up menu for showing participants that can be inserted into graph couldn't show all of them.
- Fixed: JaWE didn't change the references when the Id of TypeDeclaration is changed.
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- added WfXML authentication.
- default condition type for newly inserted transitions (via graph) is not set which means that by default unconditional transition is being inserted (previously default type was 'Condition')
- added new validation option called 'ValidateConditionByType' (which default value is true); when set to true, JaWE will generate warning in following cases:
transition's condition type is not set (unconditional transition) and there is condition expression defined
transition's condition type is set to 'Condition' (conditional transition) and there is no condition expression defined
transition's condition type is set to 'Exception' (exceptional transition) and there is no condition expression defined
transition's condition type is set to 'Otherwise' and there is condition expression defined
transition's condition type is set to 'Default exception' and there is condition expression defined
- allowed deletion of invalid ExternalPackage elements (when there is no external package referenced)
- improved conversion of XPDL files from old JaWE versions -> Start/End markers are now properly positioned
- generally improved XPDL validation
- improved procedure of closing changed XPDLs - now JaWE doesn't ask you to enter the file name if this is an XPDL opened from an existing file
- logging manager implementiation is now using Java logging instead system.out
- fixed NPE in LDAP connection
- fixed rare bug with repositioning of Objects in the table or list
- fixed bug with the displaying names of a certain extended attributes (i.e. if you defined ext. attrib. with name 'm', afterwards you'll see 'minute' instead of 'm' displayed in ext. attrib. property panel)
- fixed bug with Graph validation of Start/End markers during the save of Packages marked as 'Released' (JaWE allowed saving of incorrect package)
- fixed bug with XPDL validation of Tool's Actual->Formal parameter mapping during the save of Packages marked as 'Released' (JaWE allowed saving of incorrect package)
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- removed shark-utilites.jar, and all the necessary classes included in JaWE. Thus, we removed cross-references amongst these two projects.
- added functionallity (that was present in JaWE versions prior to 2.0) to open the referenced document specified for the Package and Activity elements
- default Font set to Sans Serif
- minor bug-fixes
- minor improvements
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- minor improvements.
This is a major JaWE release. This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
- completely different architecture: everything is componentized with a possibility to add additional components
- completely different L&F much nicer and easier to use: now it is much easier to navigate through XPDL using Tree component, much nicer property panels, ...
- source code structural re-organization
- switched to JGraph 5.6
- no memory leak any more
- many new features such as:
buttons and menu items are always properly enabled/disabled depending on the current selection, and if it is allowed to perform particular action for this selection
ability to copy/paste amongst processes and even packages (you can even copy entities from external packages to the main one)
easier creation of process graphs (easier to access toolbox, enhanced activity connecting policy, enhanced usage of new JGraph 5.6 ...)
in the run-time you can organize JaWE layout - you can move around Graph, WfXML, XPDL View and Navigator components
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
* Wf-XML support: JaWE can connect to workflow engine supporting WfMC's Wf-XML interface. You can manage XPDLs on engines: list all process definitions, download XPDL, upload and update XPDL.
* Changing source/target of transition: You can simply change source/target of transition by taking its ends and reconnecting it to another activity
* Defining "remote" subflows: We adjusted JaWE to be conformnt to XPDL spec. XPDL spec defines that one can use subflow activity to reference XPDL process defined outside the context of XPDL where the subflow activity is defined. In that case, JaWE does not display FormalParameters when referencing such subflow, and user can enter the URL to the engine instead of subflow process reference.
* It's now possible to make a recursive subflows
* The transitions are colored depending of whether they have conditions, and depending on their type
* Activities are graphically representing differntly if they have AND join or split
* If transitions are bound to activities, they can be copied
* bug that prevented you to re-open process definition after selecting many activities inside, and exiting to the package level
* JaWE didn't validate properly the uniqueness of all transitions and activities in workflow process context (activities and transitions defined inside ActivitySet could have the same Ids as the ones defined directly in the WorkflowProcess or in some other ActivitySet) - Business_Example.xpdl is modified to be valid from that point.
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
* You can make a copy of existing process definition by selecting it and chosing "Make copy" from menu, toolbar or pop-up window
* You have possibilitiy to sort items in tables (Participants, Applications, ...)
* the items in combo box are sorted alphabetically
* when creating new Transition object, the name parameter is not filled with dummy "Transition" value anymore
* when connecting activities, transition edges were not shown in the center of the activity
* transition tooltip is more informative - included Condition type info
* provided workaround for Java 1.4.2 bug that caused transitions to be all over the screen and prevented activity to be highlighted when connecting transitions
* bug that prevented showing of tool item icon when you are in persistent mode of entering graph elements (bug appeared due to a change in JGraph)
* bug in JaWE.res file - didn't show BlockActivity menu because of typo
* bug that appeared when double-clicking on activity when you are in Zoom mode
* when making a copy of SubFlow activity, and after that changing selection of subflow process in combo box, appropriate formal parameter panel didn't change according to combo box selection
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
* Optional file locking: From configuration dialog, you can configure JaWE to lock opened XPDL files or not.
* New menu item for reopening XPDL file that is being edited
* migration to JGraph3.4.1
* Automatic resizing of combo if there are entries with text that is wider than default combo size
* When switching from one activity property dialog to another, the tab selected on previous dialog stays selected on the new one
* Tooltip text for an item property can be displayed in several lines, and signs '<' and '>' are now properly displayed
* JaWE "speaks" Chinese and Portuguese
* bug that prevented JaWE to handle XPDL files which name contains some language-specific characters
* bug that allowed entering of improper transition Id when defined from Activity's postcondition tab
* bug that allowed editing of Tool definition's selected application of read only entity (in external packages).
* bug in XMLUtil.getID() method - didn't work in some enviroments
* bug with Transition ExtendedAttributes - they haven't been accepted if defined from Activity's postcondition tab
* NPE bug that occured when trying to edit tools of activity defined in external package.
* bug that didn't allow seeing whole graph in Zoom In mode
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
* Chosing the name of extended attribute amongst existing ones: when defining new ExtendedAttribute (or modifying one already defined), user have possibility to choose its name amongst the names of extended attributes already defined for that element type (Activity, Participant, ...). The list of names depends on the names already defined in opened XPDL (and its externally referenced XPDLs). The list of names is calculated in the memory each time new ExtendedAttribute is being added or when one already defined is being re-defined (the list is not persisted anywhere).
* Changing default encoding for XPDL documents: In configuration dialog, one can specify the encoding to be used when saving and parsing XPDLs. WARNING: you should be carefull with this feature because it is not fully tested.
* Optional start/end bubbles: From configuration dialog, one could choose to use start/end bubbles or not. The validation of XPDL is performed depending on chosen option. If JaWE is not in bubble mode, start/end activities are colored so that user has visual information where is the start of the process, and its possible ends.
* Automatic insertion of start/end bubbles on demand: In Package, Process and BlockActivity toolbox, there is another tool for automatic insertion of start/end bubbles. It is useful when switching from "non-bubbles" mode to "bubbles-mode"
* Changing order of XPDL collection elements: The order of XPDL collection elements like FormalParameter, Participant, WorkflowProcess, ... elements can be easily changed by using Up/Down arrows next to the table in which they are shown, or by dragging it by the use of mouse.
* Viewing of FormalParameters when editing actual ones: Now, when user edits actual parameters for Subflow or Tool, he sees the corresponding Formal Parameters.
* Possibility to display names in process and activity boxes in multiple lines: JaWE can be configured to break activity and process names in multiple lines. Also, user can choose if the names will be broken at word boundaries.
* Coloring table rows depending on element's owner: If you are looking at elements that can be defined at Package and Process level like Participants, Applications and DataFields, the table rows for the ones defined at the level you are looking at are normally colored (in white color), and the ones defined at upper level (Package or External Package level) will be colored differently.
* Moving graph's selected participant(s) up/down: User can move graph's selected participants up or down by the use of arrow buttons on View toolbar/menu, or by right-clicking mouse on selected participant(s) and choosing wanted action.
* TextView tab: New View Tab is added to display XPDL tree on the left and text view on the right side. It can be used to quickly move through the XPDL, and edit its elements by using right-click. It is also supposed to print XPDL in more user friendly way, but it is not implemented yet.
* Allowing undefined start/end: User can configure JaWE's validation so that processes without defined start/end actiities are valid (i.e. circular processes A->B->C->A)
* Adjusting font sizes of graph objects: In configuration dialog, one can specify the font size of graph objects.
* Circular transition: Now, user have possibility to define circular transition (from activity to itself)
* Package's changed from org.webdocwf.util.jawe to org.enhydra.jawe
* Option to define User defined activity properties is removed
* In JaWE messages, unnecessary exclamation marks are replaced with a full stop.
* The saving of invalid package is allowed if it is under revision (previously, it was allowed only if package is under test)
* The ending activities are now considered the ones without outgoing transitions, and the ones that have only "EXCEPTION" and "DEFAULTEXCEPTION" outgoing transitions.
* Focusing of table element when pressing "Define" button in XMLComboButtonPanel - the element selected in combo will be selected and focused in the table
* The overview dialog view is adjusted if its window is resized
* If user clicks at overview dialog graph, JaWE scrolls to the appropriate point in the original graph
* Relaxed validation condition for deadlines - it is enough that activity has outgoing transition which condition type is either Exception or DefaultException
* Improved windows installation procedure
* XML class is not static any more, and it is splited into two classes. Now, there is an XMLInterface, and XML class implements it, as well as XMLInterfaceForJDK13 class. The xpdl part of JaWE is made JDK1.3 compatible. The jawe.jar is splited into jawexpdl.jar and jawe.jar
* SaveAsJPG and SaveAsSVG actions to be more modular for use when used by some other application using JaWE
* When displaying formal parameters of application, the Ids are visible
* JaWE migrated to JGraph3.0
* The tooltips max width is now bigger
* In the window title is the Id of the package (not the filename as it was previously)
* Dialogs are now resizable
* bug in PackageValidator.checkRedefinableHeader() - it was always used Package's RedefinableHeader
* bug considering ext. attributes of TypeDeclaration - ext. attributes disappeared after closing dialog for editing TypeDeclaration
* bug with participant resizing introduced by allowing additional space when inserting participants
* the validation status was set to the value of mandatory conformance class setting (whenever mandatory conformance class parameter was changed, the validation status was also changed)
* bug regarding complex ext. attribs. - sometimes when didn't saved by JaWE, haven't been interpreted correctly
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
* Inserting of participant is improved, there is always a space to insert new participant (the graph has space rigth to the participants, and bellow all participants)
* Help tutorial and manual are now being read from the jar file, and this can be language dependent
* The config file now have new entry for JaWE version. If the existing JaWE configuration file in user home directory has different version then the JaWE that is started, it is updated with new entries
* "default" word for languages replaced with "English (default)"
* JaWE is now started using the jar file, and this jar file is startable
* When installing JaWE using Windows exe distribution, JaWE is associated with the xpdl extension, and when double-clicking some xpdl document, it is opened by JaWE
* Improved system of making JaWE: user has to type configure, make and make install to install JaWE from source, and he can type make distributions to get the proper JaWE distributions on the OS he is using.
* JaWE reported as an error if some AND split with more then one outgoing transition didn't have the same number of TransitionRefs
* bug introduced in version 1.2RC because of separating resource and language files - the language dependent strings on package tabbed pane didn't change when the language is changed
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
* Locking of "master" file and external package's files when used by JaWE: When JaWE opens some xpdl file for editing, it locks it exclusively, so that it can't be changed or locked by some other application. The external package's files are locked 'non-exclusively', so some other "master" files that uses the same external packages could also be opened. These locked external package's file can't be opened as a "master" file. There are some known problems with locking under Linux: when using Java1.4.0, the files can't be locked, and some other applications can change the locked files.
* The package/process logic validation checking: The check on package/process logic is introduced. The errors such as invalid parameter mapping, invalid ids, non-unique ids, invalid subflow or tool references are displayed within the report dialog along with the schema validation errors, connection errors and graph conformance errors.
* All parameter mappings from actual to formal, when the formal param. mode is IN, and actual param. is some expression, are now assumed to be valid (till know, only BasicType parameter mappings are assumed to be valid)
* Now, the multiple starts can exist in the process and in the activity set
* The dialogs for schema validation and validation report are now merged into one dialog
* When importing document, the validation can be turned off by turning-off validation setting within config dialog, but when saving document, validation is obligatory; also, the validation dialogs are always displayed when document is being saved
* The ids and other NMTOKEN type attributes were now allowed to have all possible NMTOKEN characters as WfMC specifies - previously only digits, letters and "_" were allowed
* The property file is split into language and resource file
* Introduced configuration file entry that controls if mandatory conformance class setting can be controled from JaWE configuration dialog. This entry can be edited only directly in the config file
* Now the user can choose the possible startup languages from the combo box ( previously the user had to write it as a suffix)
* Now JaWE uses relative paths for external package referencing
* Added tooltip to color fields so the color text could be seen when background color is the same as the text color
* JFileChooser for ExternalPackages now contains xpdl extensions to pick
* Transition restrictions importing - when multiple transition restrisctions were defined in the document, they were not properly mapped to the single transition restriction
* When activities were copied from process to the block or vice-versa, its collection changed, and this were not updated within activity object, so some problems were occuring
* Reading of "complex" ext. attribs.
* Start color in configuration dialog was not properly shown
* Bug introduced after version beta2 - when user wants to edit actual parameter that is free-text expression, the 'Edit' combo box corrupted it
API Changes:
The validity checking logic moved to the (core) XML package
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE .
* Status bar: Displays information about package validity (connections and conformance class).
* Check on Validity Based on Chosen Conformance Class: Status bar displays the short message that describes if the process graphs conforms to the selected conformance class that can be NON_BLOCKED, LOOP_BLOCKED and FULL_BLOCKED (User selects desired conformance class in Package->Properties). The descriptions of conformance (and connection) problems are displayed when you press "check validity" button. The conformance class can be set to be mandatory for every newly created package by setting configuration parameter MandatoryConformanceClass. Also, when starting application, you can pass it mandatory conformance class parameter that will override the one read from the configuration file (e.g. run.bat -mcc FULL_BLOCKED). If mandatory conformance class is set, and you open some document that has different conformance class, the warning is displayed.
* Startup parameters: You can override some of the parameters set within the configuration file by passing it as startup parameters. The possible startup parameters are the one for starting locale, and the one for the mandatory conformance class. E.g. if you want to start the JaWE with German language, and with mandatory conformance class set to LOOP_BLOCKED, and also to open document test.xpdl, you can do it using run.bat file distributed with JaWE like follows: run.bat -sh de -mcc LOOP_BLOCKED test.xpdl
* JPG and SVG representations of the processes (or block activities): You are able to save the process (or block activity) diagram as a JPG or SVG file.
* Validating documents against XPDL schema: When opening some XPDL document or saving it to the file, validation against XPDL schema is performed. If document is not valid, the parser errors are displayed within the dialog, and you can decide if you want to proceed or not. You can turn-off the validation dialog appearance by setting the configuration file entry ValidationStatus to OFF - then the dialog won't be displayed, and the JaWE will try to open the invalid document.
* Search in XPDL View: You can enter a text you want to search for in the XPDL view of the document. When you enter text that hasn't been entered before, it is added to the search combo box. When you press "find next" button, the JaWE searches for the next occurrence of the text you've entered starting from the current position.
* "Complex" Extended Attributes: Now you can enter the "complex" part of extended attributes by writing it as a free-form text. When you press OK button, JaWE checks if the syntax of the text you've entered is valid. Also, you can define additional namespaces to make sure that the document will be valid.
* Configuration Dialog: You can change configuration file entries from within JaWE (no need to search for configuration file on the disc). Changes to configuration are immediately written to the configuration file, but depending on entry, the changes will take effect immediately, when creating/opening new XPDL or after restarting JaWE
* Now activity can't have more than one outgoing/incoming transition to/from the same activity
* When activity has only one outgoing/incoming transition, its split/join type is set to "". If it has more then one outgoing/incoming transition, and its split/join type is set to "", it is changed to XOR - this happens automatically at the design time when user creates graph of activities, or when activities property dialog is displayed
* Entries for setting the "mandatory conformance class", for setting if validation dialog is displayed if XPDL is not valid, and for setting if status bar is displayed, are added into configuration file
* Added possibility to add additional namespaces into XPDL
* The dialog for saving and opening documents is improved. The user is asked before overwriting an existing file, and the warning message is displayed when he tries to open non-existing file. Also, the last selected extension is remembered whe opening dialog next time.
* It was not possible to set default (english) to be the starting language
* When deleting entity from the table (e.g. Participant, Application, WRD, ...), the document was not marked as 'modified'
API Changes:
The version 2.4 of xerces is used instead of the version 1.4.4
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE
* LDAP features: You can connect to some LDAP server, get entries that you need, and then create Participants from these entries. The dialog for connecting to the LDAP server and getting entries allows you to choose the objectClass type of entries you want to get from server, or to enter your own objectClass type. When you press OK, the entries from the server are put into the list, where from you can select some of them or all of them. After that, participants corresponding to these entries will be created. You can choose or define your own objectClass attribute that will be mapped to the participant Id if possible. If objectClass type is person (or it's variation), its name becomes the name of created participant, and its description becomes the description of created participant.
* XPDL view: You can always switch to the XPDL view of the graphs you are creating. When you are at the "package level", you can see the whole package definition in exact form as it will be written into the XPDL when you save your document. When you are at the "process level", you can see the process definition part of XPDL as it will be written to the XPDL. And when you are at the "block activity level", you can see the definition of ActivitySet as it will be written to the XPDL.
* Expression participant: This participant is used to create activities which performer is given as some expression. When you put some generic activity into such participant, you can edit its performer field, and enter what ever you like (including nothing). Such activity will be written into XPDL with its performer field value equal to the one you entered, or if you didn't enter anything -> activity will not have a performer element written in XPDL. This enables you to write processes with activities which performers are not known at the design time, and who will it be, depends of some process variables.
* JaWE.conf file: When some user starts the JaWE for the first time, JaWE copies default configuration file in its <USER_HOME>/.JaWE directory. After that, user can change some entries, which will affect JaWEs look and functionality.
* Added completed German, and partially completed French property file
* Modified XPDL document have '*' mark beside its name in title bar
* When some activity has XOR split, the order of calculating outgoing transitions conditions is important. This order is determined in XPDL by the order of TransitionRef elements within its TransitionRefs collection. You can control that order in JaWE within Postcondition tab of activity properties. The way of doing it is to simply change positions of the target activities (the activities that outgoing transitions are leading to) within the given list within Postcondition tab.
* You can change automatically generated Ids of application, workflow relevant data, participant, formal parameter, process, activity, transition and type declaration. When you are changing Ids you don't need to worry about its uniqueness - JaWE will check uniqueness of Ids for you. There will be times when you are not allowed to change an workflow relevant data Id, and that is when it is used within some transition condition expression.
* It is possible to override Ids of processes, applications and participants from externally referenced package with the ones from the package you are working on, as well as to override Ids of applications, workflow relevant data and participants from package level with the ones from the process level. If you override some of these Ids, all of them will be shown in the "table view" of appropriate elements, but only one of them (the one from the current level) can be used as a reference from other entities. E.g., if you overridden workflow relevant data x from the package level with the workflow relevant data with the same Id in the process level, you will see them both in the 'table view' of workflow relevant data, but you can choose just the one from the process level to be the actual parameter for some application or subflow. There is one special case with participants when you can't override it, and that is when the participant you want to override is shown in the graph.
* JaWE now allows some combo-box elements to have no selection. If nothing is selected, the element is not saved (this is just one step to fully comply to WfMC - save like you loaded).
* When you are inserting or editing actual parameters for some activity tool, or setting the parameters you will pass to subflow, you can easily view the corresponding formal parameters of that application (subflow) by clicking the Formal parameter button. That way you can more easily set the appropriate actual parameters.
* You can change the position of the list item within some list (e.g. the list of actual parameters, the list of deadlines, the list of responsible participants, …) by dragging the list item to the new position, or by selecting it, and then using arrows beside list to change its position.
* Now it's possible to enter multiple deadlines for activity (according to the WfMC spec.)
* When basic type or declared type are shown within table or list, its subtype is also displayed
* Improved checking of changes to the document (before, the JaWE offered you to save document even if it was not modified)
* Mouse double-click use now opens the property dialog for selected item (previously it was used to enter process, subflow and block activity content).
* Added mnemonics for the recent file list menus
* CheckConnection dialog improved
* JaWE writes date/time of creation of the package and process in ISO-8601 format
* The scipt element now can't be accepted if doesn't have attribute type entered
* The location panel now doesn't clear text box if nothing is choosed
* Newly created packages were not registered within XML class, which could cause a lot of trouble
* The scipt element now can't be accepted if it doesn't have attribute type entered (as WfMC specifies)
* Bug regarding graph references to participants
* When activity was deleted and action is undone, the postconditions didn't exist
This chapter lists the new or updated features associated with JaWE
This release has a new API with new features. Here is an overview of the most important changes:
* Manual Entrance of ID: User can enter an ID for Workflow relevant data and Formal parameter of processes manually. The ID can consist only of letters, numbers and underscore sign. When user presses OK button after entering of ID, the entered ID is checked for necessary uniqueness. There problem when the WRD with the same ID is defined at package and at process level is solved by not showing the one from the package level in process level dialogs. If some WRD or FP is used somewhere within transition conditions, editing of it's ID is forbidden.
* Modeless Dialog for Editing Properties of Process Graph Objects: The dialog for editing process graph objects (participants, activities and transitions) is now modeless. User can not open two dialogs for editing graph object properties, but when user selects some other graph object while the dialog is shown, the dialog shows the properties of newly selected object, and the properties of previously selected graph object are automatically 'saved' (same as if user pressed OK button). If user didn't enter some requested values, or some other conditions are not satisfied, the dialog still shows the properties of previously selected graph object. This way, user can easily edit properties of graph objects.
* ALT+ENTER Key Combination: This key combination is used for getting the dialog for editing properties of selected graph object. It can be the dialog for editing process properties, when you are working with package graph, or the dialog for editing participant, activity and transition properties, when you are working with process graph
* ALT+CURSOR Key Combination is Used for Navigation Through the Graph Objects: User can navigate through the graph using keyboard combination of ALT and some CURSOR KEY. When user presses such key combination, the appropriate graph object is selected, and then user can press ALT+ENTER key to get the dialog for editing graph object properties. ALT+CURSOR combination WORKS EVEN WHEN MODELESS DIALOG FOR EDITING PROCESS GRAPH OBJECT PROPERTIES IS SHOWN, and thus user can easily change the graph object which properties he wants to edit - the dialog shows the properties of next selected graph object.
* ALT+BACKSPACE Key Combination: User can use this key combination to close the process or block activity graph.
* Support of Double Click and Enter Key in Lists and Tables: When double-clicking or pressing enter key in lists and tables, it has the same effect as pressing the Edit button.
* Support of Delete Key in Lists and Tables: When pressing Delete key while item is selected, it will be removed from list or table. Before that, the user is asked if he really wants to remove an item
* Check on Actual-Formal Parameters Matching When user enters actual parameters for corresponding formal parameter of application or workflow, and presses OK Button, the check on actual and formal parameter matching is performed. The number of formal and actual parameters must be the same, and corresponding parameter types must match.
* A Free Text Can Be Inserted When Defining Actual Parameter: User can enter a free-text for a corresponding actual parameter (user can write within the combo box, and it's writing will be excepted). Only in the case when formal parameter is of BasicType, and it's mode is IN, the free-text will be accepted during the check on actual-formal parameter matching.
* Copying of Subflow Activities: User is allowed to copy the subflow activity.
* Use of (graphically) "self-routed" Transitions: Moving to the JGraph2.0 offered the possibility to use the graphical transition objects that are self-routed. Now JaWE offers the possibility of inserting two graphical representation of transition objects, and it's on-line change by selecting the appropriate item from pop-up menu for selected graph transition object.
* The Entrance of Simple "name-value" Extended Attributes: All entities that supports extended attributes (Activity, Application, DataField(Workflow Relevant Data), ExternalPackage, Package, Participant, Tool, Transition, TypeDeclaration and WorkflowProcess(Process)) now have the possibility of entering the simple extended attributes consisted only of name and value attributes. The extended attributes used internally by the JaWE are not shown within the lists of extended attributes.
* Reading of XPDLS with element tags using qualified names (namespace before the tag name)
* The JaWE now can perform online-switch to the use of property files with country and variant addition (from Change Language dialog). Previously, only the country addition was countered.
* The default subflow type set to be synchronous instead of asynchronous
* 'Performer' combo box within activity editing dialog is changed to the text field, and disabled for use (the value is automatically set as the user moves graph activity through graph participants).
* The default extension for saved JaWE documents is xpdl.
* Improved the check before deletion of various entities (participants, applications, workflow relevant data, process formal parameters). The entity can't be deleted if it is in use.
* Automatically generated IDs now do not contain any '.' character, but use '_' character instead.
* Added restriction when entering IDs - only letters, numbers and underscore are allowed.
* The name attribute of DataField is not mandatory any more
* ESC works for all dialogs
* Process and BlockActivity windows can be closed using 'x' box
* Improved - pressing the cancel button cancels changes made within property dialogs to the items it didn't before (items contained within the lists and tables)
* Implemented ordering of process activities within package graph when some process is removed, and calculating the right position for inserting new process into package graph
* Dialog that reports improperly entered values didn't have parent
* The dialog for adding/removing external packages now doesn't have Cancel button
* Property file entries changed
* Focusing improvement (after removing elements from list or table, ...)
* Bug that prevented JaWE that runs on linux to read xpdl files having uppercase anywhere in the file path
* When opening new file while working on some other file, and choosing yes when asked to save changes to the current file, the new file was not opened
* XPDL Version set to be 1.0
* external packages were not allowed to be removed, even if the main package doesn't use any participant, application or process from external package
* The user was able to close the dialog for entering unique package ID, even if nothing was entered
* When you tried to open the file that do not exist, the ID was not set, and you were able to edit the package
* The optional user define activity property couldn't be removed
* The tooltips for processes of external packages were not visible
* When copying activity, all activities cloned from original activity (including original) had the same transition references
* After entering new package, it was not visible within 'package dependence' tree
API Changes:
The code is reorganized to be more logical. Many class names are changed, content of some classes is split into several others, new classes are introduced, unnecessary classes removed, the term 'Package' used instead of the 'Model', and term 'Process' used instead of 'Workflow', etc... Some of the main changes are listed below:
* The 'processeditor' part of package names is changed to 'jawe'
* The JaWE is now the main class of application
* The ProcessEditor (former main class) changed name to PackageEditor, and WorkfklowEditor changed name to the ProcessEditor (corresponding graph classes changed names too)
* The abstract classes for editors and graphs are introduced
* The inner (action) classes of (former) ProcessEditor and (former)WorkflowEditor are now separated into the new package, which eases it's maintenance
* The ResourceManager class, which manages the property files and resource bundles and locales, is introduced (the former ProcessEditor contained the logic put into this new class)
* The BarFactory class, which manages the creation of menus and toolbars, is introduced (the former ProcessEditor contained the logic put into this new class)
All documents made by previous version of JaWE can be opened by this version of JaWE, but layout of activities and participants won't be the same, and User Defined Activity Properties won't be imported unless you manually change the value of "MadeBy" Package ExtendedAttribute (written at the and of the file) from "ProcessEditor" to "JaWE"
Table of Contents
These release notes apply to JaWE 2.2-1.
On Windows, JaWE can be installed either using EXE distribution setup, or un-zipping ZIP distribution and executing configure script afterwards. On Linux, you can do the same with RPM and TAR.GZ distributions.